Concert of Bookwood and Friend

Bookwood and Friend play soft acoustic music, reggea and indie - original compositions as well as covers with a lot of soul. The catchy soul voice of Eliah is accompanied by the guitar sounds of Timon.

As a side note: the mosquitos feel as much welcome as humans here. So remember to protect yourself against them when visiting the landscape park.

Please bring something to share for a buffet and join us for a picnic in the garden.

This event takes place in the framework of the Open Gardens. The OPEN GARDENS are a joint action of the INITIATIVE OPEN GARDENS Berlin-Brandenburg and the URANIA Association "Wilhelm Foerster" Potsdam.

The visitor badge for the annual program of the Open Gardens costs a one-time fee of 3 EUR per person and entitles the holder to enter the gardens on all dates of the annual program.

More information about the Open Gardens:

More information about the Urania:


17.Sep 2023


14:00 - 18:00


Rietzer Berg
Rietzer Siedlung 11, 14797 Kloster Lehnin