We offer guided donkey walks by appointment. Our curious and crafty friends are already looking forward to company and maybe some extra petting. Together with our experienced and sensitive donkey guide Patricia you can explore the surroundings of the forest garden. Depending on the donkeys' desire to walk, the walk lasts between 1.5 and 2 hours and leads across the terrain. Should children come along, one adult per child and donkey must be present to help. The path is not well suited for strollers. Please remember to wear sturdy shoes and possibly mosquito repellent if you want to walk with the donkeys.
Please book your walk on our website. There are 7 tickets available per walk as we have 7 donkeys. Please only book as many tickets as you are "donkey walkers" – e.g. if you are 2 adults and 2 children you book 2 tickets.
The donkey walk is offered free of charge. If you like, you can make a donation to the association, from which then accessories for the donkeys such as lead ropes, halters, etc. are bought.
Please don't bring fruits or vegetables for the donkeys. That might be well meant, but it harms them because they should mostly eat hay and straw. So if you'd like to feed them, you're welcome to use the hay and straw we have here.
Everything booked again? This is because we offer the donkey walks entirely on a voluntary basis and of course depend on the availability of our volunteers. If you would also like to volunteer, please contact us. Everyone is welcome to help and get involved. We look forward to seeing you!

Please register with us by email (info@rietzerberg.de or by clicking on the button). Please mention the event, the date and how many adults and children would like to attend. We also need a phone number from you for the donkey walks. We will then get back to you by email.