Shawue concert

Concert by Shawue as part of the Open Gardens. Admission is for a contribution to the Open Buffet.

Songs in the keys of life, folk rock from Brandenburg.
Normally, one would ask: isn't de Shawue spelled differently? Well, sure, but only when it comes to the sensory illusion. Not if you mean the music of Lutz and Heike. Because they are members of the folk rock band "Shawue" and of course they play the songs of their band. Seen in this light, it could already come to a déjà vu.
Lutz is not only a musician, but also a composer, lyricist and music producer and is constantly looking for new ideas. They play their own songs as well as Germanized songs by Bob Dylan, Bryan Adams, Neil Young, Tom Waits and many more.

Please bring something to share for a buffet and join us for a picnic in the garden.

This event takes place in the framework of the Open Gardens. The OPEN GARDENS are a joint action of the INITIATIVE OPEN GARDENS Berlin-Brandenburg and the URANIA Association "Wilhelm Foerster" Potsdam.

The visitor badge for the annual program of the Open Gardens costs a one-time fee of 3 EUR per person and entitles the holder to enter the gardens on all dates of the annual program.

More information about the Open Gardens: 

More information about the Urania:


13.Aug 2022


14:00 - 18:00


Rietzer Berg
Rietzer Siedlung 11, 14797 Kloster Lehnin