Concert Sebastian Block

Concert by Sebastian Block as part of the Open Gardens. Admission is for a contribution to the Open Buffet.

Singer and songwriter Sebastian Block has been interested in music, painting and poetry since early childhood, playing bass, drums, guitar, keyboard and mandolin. He played in various bands, released four albums and two EPs since 2011 and played more than 300 concerts in Germany, Austria, Holland and Switzerland. Sebastian has recently returned to live in his hometown of Brandenburg/Havel and most recently released his studio album "Dorngund".

Please bring something to share for a buffet and join us for a picnic in the garden.

This event takes place in the framework of the Open Gardens. The OPEN GARDENS are a joint action of the INITIATIVE OPEN GARDENS Berlin-Brandenburg and the URANIA Association "Wilhelm Foerster" Potsdam.

The visitor badge for the annual program of the Open Gardens costs a one-time fee of 3 EUR per person and entitles the holder to enter the gardens on all dates of the annual program.

More information about the Open Gardens:

More information about the Urania:


21.May 2022


14:00 - 18:00


Rietzer Berg
Rietzer Siedlung 11, 14797 Kloster Lehnin