After-work donkey walk


22.May 2024


17:00 - 18:00


Rietzer Berg
Rietzer Siedlung 11, 14797 Kloster Lehnin

Attention! At the moment our events can only be booked on the desktop site. So please book on the desktop version until the technical problem has been resolved.

After-work donkey walk at the end of the day. Take a relaxed stroll into the evening with the donkeys and other participants. We want to come to rest, watch the donkeys graze and take in the summer evening atmosphere at Rietzer Berg.

Together with our experienced and empathetic donkey expert Patricia, you can explore the surroundings of the forest garden together. Depending on the donkeys' desire to walk, the walk lasts between 1.5 and 2 hours and leads across the terrain. Please remember to wear sturdy shoes and possibly mosquito repellent.

Please book your walk through the website. There are 7 places available per date, as we have 7 donkeys. Please book only one ticket per person who would like to lead a donkey themselves.

The donkey walk is offered free of charge. If you like, you can make a donation to the association, from which then accessories for the donkeys such as lead ropes, halters, etc. are bought.

Please do not bring any fruit or vegetables as treats for our donkeys. It's meant well, but it does them more harm than good. Hay and straw are healthier for them. We have this here and you are welcome to feed them with it.

Fully booked again? This is because we offer the donkey walks entirely on a voluntary basis and are of course subject to the availability of our donkey guides. If you would also like to volunteer, please get in touch with us. Everyone is welcome to help out and get involved. We look forward to seeing you!

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